Here we describe our research and banking activities related to animal models of human diseases at the JCRB Laboratory Animal Resource Bank (LARB) at NIBIOHN.
How to purchase mouse resources from the LARB repository
- If you wish to request mouse distribution, please register as a user first.
- After registration, sing in to the system and add the desired resources from the mouse list to your cart.
- Once the addition is complete, click the cart icon at the top right of the screen to make a distribution request.
- You will receive an email from Organization A regarding the necessary documents, procedures, and payments. Please check it.
What's new
- 2024.03.18 Four new strains (TNKO-kusa, parchorin#143, dNeodExparchorin#103, dNeodExparchorin#143) are now available.
- 2024.02.22 Six new strains (Gnat1-/- RPE65Leu450, L-PGDS-KO, H-PGDS-KO, L-PDGS-H-PGDS-dKO, Cyth2-KI, Aars2-flox) are now available.
- 2024.01.11 Seven new strains (Dtnbp1-KO, Eif2b5-KO, Bicc1-KO, Muc1-KO, Xylt2-KO, Umod-KO, Anks6-KO) are now available.
- 2023.03.20 Eight new strains (Tomm5 KO, Hsp1-KO, B6/lprC1scg, Conditional KO (Dhps), flox-LPGDS, Mlc1-KO, Tmppe-KO, Glb1E6-KO) are now available. Please check the?available mice list.
- 2022.12.16 Five new strains (PKAchu gnat1-/-, Swsap1-KO, SUN1-mOrange, Ct55-KO, Ccdc83-KO) are now available.
- 2022.09.30 Five new strains (Sftpa1-KO, Fcgr1-KO, hyBRET-AMPK (B6), Aspa-KO, Eif2b1-KO) are now available.
- 2022.03.07 Six new strains (Dglucy-TG, Ace2-KO, L-PGDS TG #B-7, L-PGDS TG #B-17, L-PGDS TG #B-20, C3H/HeN-Kusa-TgH(TnC)) are now available.
- 2020.03.30 Added Mouse model library for rare diseases in Research section.
Content index

Supplies of mice


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